Tests, code quality and code style

Every time changes are introduced into the library, Travis CI and Github Actions run the tests written with PHPSpec.

PHPInfection is also triggered used to ensure that your code is properly tested.

The code style is based on PSR-12 plus a set of custom rules. Find more about the code style in use in the package drupol/php-conventions.

A PHP quality tool, Grumphp, is used to orchestrate all these tasks at each commit on the local machine, but also on the continuous integration tools (Travis, Github actions)

To run the whole tests tasks locally, do

composer grumphp


./vendor/bin/grumphp run

Here’s an example of output that shows all the tasks that are setup in Grumphp and that will check your code

$ ./vendor/bin/grumphp run
GrumPHP is sniffing your code!
Running task  1/13: SecurityChecker... ✔
Running task  2/13: Composer... ✔
Running task  3/13: ComposerNormalize... ✔
Running task  4/13: YamlLint... ✔
Running task  5/13: JsonLint... ✔
Running task  6/13: PhpLint... ✔
Running task  7/13: TwigCs... ✔
Running task  8/13: PhpCsAutoFixerV2... ✔
Running task  9/13: PhpCsFixerV2... ✔
Running task 10/13: Phpcs... ✔
Running task 11/13: PhpStan... ✔
Running task 12/13: Phpspec... ✔
Running task 13/13: Infection... ✔